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Executive Head Teacher Mrs C. Clarke
Design Technology
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Design Technology at APWG is taught discretely each week following Medium Term plans that have been created by subject leaders to ensure that the National Curriculum statements for Design Technology are covered in a progressive, structured way to ensure our children gain experience in designing, making and evaluating using a range of materials including paper, card, wood and textiles.
The areas are covered in a way that allows children to build on their knowledge and skills from the previous year. In both schools children also have access to two bespoke food technology rooms to develop their knowledge and understanding of the cooking and nutrition objectives.
We hope the impact of this is that pupils will view Design Technology as an important part of their lives and the world around them, recognising how design plays a part in everything they use day to day as well as providing them with useful, practical skills for the future.
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Albert Pritchard Infant School
Crew Road
West Midlands
WS10 9QG
Tel: 0121 556 0858
Enquiries - Mrs S. Bibi
SENCo/Inclusion Managers:
Miss R. Carter
Wood Green Junior School
Hobs Road
West Midlands
WS10 9BW
Tel: 0121 556 0377
Enquiries - Mrs S. Bibi
SENCo/Inclusion Managers:
Miss J. Johnson