Mental Health & Wellbeing
At Albert Pritchard Infant and Wood Green Junior Federated Schools, we are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils and staff. We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We take the view that positive mental health is everybody’s business and that we all have a role to play.
At Albert Pritchard Infant and Wood Green Junior Federated Schools we:
• help children to understand their emotions and feelings better
• help children feel comfortable sharing any concerns or worries
• help children socially to form and maintain relationships
• promote self-esteem and ensure children know that they count
• encourage children to be confident and ‘dare to be different’
• help children to develop emotional resilience and to manage setbacks
We offer different levels of support:
Universal Support - To meet the needs of all our pupils through our overall ethos and our wider curriculum. For instance developing resilience.
Additional support - For those who may have short term needs and those who may have been made vulnerable by life experiences such as bereavement.
Targeted support - For pupils who need more differentiated support and resources or specific targeted interventions such as wellbeing groups or personal learning mentors.
Lead staff members:
Lead members of staff are: Miss Hunt & Miss Carter, supported by Mrs Jones and Mrs Snookes
Creative Dreams Brighter Futures
Executive Head Teacher Mrs. C Clarke
All information on this website is the Copyright of Albert Pritchard Infant and Wood Green Junior Federated Schools
Albert Pritchard Infant School
Crew Road
West Midlands
WS10 9QG
Tel: 0121 556 0858
Wood Green Junior School
Hobs Road
West Midlands
WS10 9BW
Tel: 0121 556 0377